Monday, May 5, 2008

Just Doing My Part...

Today has been an interesting day. I got to work after dropping Anna Kate off at school and shortly after 11:00 her teacher called me. Anna Kate had been eating her snack and started throwing up. Needless to say I had to pack up my stuff and go get her. She's a few more episodes this afternoon and was extremely restless when she was trying to fall asleep tonight. She has been so pitiful. I hope she'll feel better in the morning. *Keeping my fingers crossed*

Now, if I can somehow get through the week without getting it, everything will be hunky dory. Mommy can't be out of commission...

This is my sick little girl during her 4 hour nap this afternoon:

And while I'm at home, I've been doing some laundry. It occurred to me as I was putting the 4th load in the dryer, that it would be much more cost effective and earth friendly to hang some things outside to dry.

Jeff will kill me when he sees this...

So there you have it, that's me doing my part to go green!

**Update** Anna Kate's virus kicked in with a vengeance at about 2am this morning. Poor thing is still throwing up.**


Melissa May 6, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

Yeah, if those are his underwear on the internet for everyone to see...he may just get you for that!! Bless AK's's so hard to see them so pitiful. I hope you don't pick anything up from her!!