Friday, January 9, 2009

A Room Rearranged....again

Everyone knows how much I love my 'things' in my house. I love moving stuff around, rearranging furniture, swapping one room to another, etc. Well after Christmas, Anna Kate had several large items/toys that needed to go in her room instead of the playroom...the problem was there was no room. So I got in there one day and moved things around some. I love how it turned out! I think her bedroom is my absolute favorite room in our entire house. It's absolutely perfect. And what good would this post be without pictures...

The reading nook

The entertainment side of the room.
She loves it in there, which makes me very, very happy. I dreamed for YEARS about decorating my little girl's room and it thrills me that she loves it :c)
Okay, so my new project for the weekend (and I will work myself to the bone to get it done) is to convert her playroom into a 'girls' room' for she & I both. I want half of the room to be for her and half for me. I'll keep the same colors in there (pink, green & purple), but I want a place to sit with my laptop or a good book while she plays. She so doesn't enjoy going in her playroom by herself and she gets bored easily, but if I can go in there and do my thing, maybe she will be happier doing hers. That's my plan anyway....we shall see. I will keep you up to date on the progress.
Anna Kate made it through the week back at school without getting in trouble. WaHoo!!! Of course, we bribed her with a new game for her Leapster Learning Game System, but hey, whatever works, right?!
And before I close, I want to introduce my sister-in-law and welcome her to the world of blogging, which happens to be my therapist ;c)