Saturday, April 19, 2008


This has been one hectic week. It started out on Sunday with me discovering our linen closet had 'flooded'...AGAIN! Every single thing in it was wet and reeked of mildew (so if any of you who were here for Anna Kate's birthday party last Saturday, thought you smelled a hint of funk on that end of the house, you did.) I had to empty the closet and have spent the past five days (literally) washing and drying the sheets, towels, wash cloths, extra blankets, pillows, etc. I have the last load in the washing machine now, and then I move onto our regular laundry. *SIGH*

Wednesday I had to travel to Birmingham for a meeting at Corporate office. That's a 6 hour drive, round trip. After a long, dramatic, and exhausting meeting I started the trek back home. I should have gotten home around 5:45ish, but as my luck would have it, there were at least three traffic accidents on I65 and then another one on I85. I didn't get home until close to 7:30. So I worked/traveled for over 13 hours. I did stop at my mother in-law's house to pee, which did eat up a little of the time, but not much. Needless to say, I was in bed and asleep by 8:30.

Thursday was back to the office. I ended up leaving at 1:30 to comp out some time. Then yesterday (Friday) we had the annual Groundwater Festival on campus. Basically over 100 4th graders from schools all over Barbour and Bullock Counties came to learn all about water. I had the 'Edible Aquifer' class. We taught what an aquifer is and then let them each build an edible aquifer. They had some ice cubes in the bottom of the cup, which represented bed rock. Then I added a little Sprite that was to simulate water. On top of that was vanilla ice cream, which was top soil. Then I walked around with Hershey's chocolate syrup = motor oil, red sugar sprinkles = fertilizer and then topped it off with chocolate sprinkles = another contaminate. They observed how all the contaminates sunk to the bottom of the aquifer and polluted our drinking water. They then placed their straws in the edible aquifer and were asked to turn their 'pumps' on at the count of three. This was to simulate the water being pulled from the aquifer, up the pipe to the water tower, through the household plumbing, out of the faucet and into your cup. I think they got the point when all the contaminates came through their straws. It was quite entertaining and I'm glad it's over!

When we all got home from work/school yesterday afternoon, we decided to take a golf cart outing. I just happened to have my camera with me (imagine that), so I took the opportunity to snap some pics of Jeff and Anna Kate. I had my 50mm lens on, which is a macro lens, but I made it work :-)

And here are just a few random macros I took, as well. The roses are blooming in our backyard and I'm sure you recognize the others as Belle and Barkley.