Kid Free & Lost
Phew, it's over and we had a great Christmas! Anna Kate got everything she wanted and then some. I'll post about that later, but I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all our family and friends who sent cards, gifts and good wishes our way. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. It was so great to visit with family and we hope to see you all soon.
On to the title of my post this afternoon - my parents left this morning and took Anna Kate with them. Jeff & I are going to Atlanta for New Year's (Auburn bowl game at the Dome) and since she is out of school until January 7th we decided it would be easier for mom and dad to keep her until the 1st, when we'll pick her up on our way home from Atlanta. I have never been away from Anna Kate this long. Sure, it will be nice for the house to be quiet for a night or two but it won't be long before I want her back home. In fact, when I crawl into bed tonight and she's not there to grab a handful of hair to twirl (pull) I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep. I do have big plans for the time she is away though.
1. Clean playroom and weed out old toys
2. Load new toys and Rose Petal Cottage in playroom
3. Clean/straighten the house
4. Take down Christmas decorations (I know it's supposed to be bad luck, but I want my house back!)
5. Pack for our New Year's trip
6. Laundry
7. Grocery shop
8. Spend my Christmas money!!!!!!
See, I'm not just going to sit on my rump and veg while she's gone ;-)
Stay tuned for tonight's edition of 'Enchanted Tales'.........
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