Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Kindergarten - NOOOOO!!!!

Jeff & I had an appointment this morning at the Primary School to tour and register Anna Kate. I simply cannot believe it is time for her go to REAL school *sniff, sniff*. I know she's ready though and she will adjust so quickly (I don't know about her mama & daddy though)....

We were SUPER impressed with the school and teachers. We had the opportunity to observe several kindergarten classes - in one, the kids were actually working on MATH (when I was in kindy we were learning our ABC's and 123's) - and visited the library, computer lab (my child will be going to the computer lab on a weekly basis...that's crazy!), music room and art room. We met with the Principal, who is a.w.e.s.o.m.e and spent a lot of time with us chatting and answering our questions.

Jeff & I left there with a 'warm & fuzzy' feeling and know this is the right place for her......we just can't believe it. Where did our baby go?!

And because I know how utterly pointless this post would be without pictures, I leave you with Anna Kate before school this morning (the pics are terrible b/c of low lighting and my flash wasn't charged.)

Isn't she a doll?

She is getting SO big!