Sunday, November 4, 2012

Wiregrass Peanut Invitational - Day 2

Final day and AK did great! She took time off of two of her events, and competed in the 50y breaststroke for the first time. GOOD GIRL!!!! Afterwards, we headed to Longhorn's for a very much deserved lunch, where we shoveled our food in so as to get home before we fell asleep. Tired doesn't begin to explain this Lee Party of 3, but we couldn't be more proud of AK and EWR!!!!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wiregrass National Peanut Invitational Meet - Day 1

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Left the house at 6:45 this morning, stopped to pick Anslee up, who AK was beyond excited got to come watch her swim, then breakfast and a splash of gas...and off we went to our second USA Swimming meet.

AK started the day off perfectly by knocking two seconds off her 25y freestyle and earning her C patch!!

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AK and her relay buddy (and biggest competition) Mary Helen

The breaststroke is by far the most entertaining event for our girls. AK and Mary Helen are constantly trying to beat each other, complete with friendly smack talk and intimidating jumps and 'Emily Munn arm flaps'. AK had her beat today until she started looking to see if she was ahead or not.....take a look. {click the link below} 
Did you hear Anslee cheering on AK? :-)

AK did her first 50y backstroke and flip turn, finishing second in her heat! The WaveRunners  had a great first day!

But the best part of a swim meet is the relays. It's so much fun watching the kids support and pull for each other :-)

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Check back tomorrow for day two and final meet results. We leave the house at 6:15 AM...........


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Let's Get Physical!!....Flashdance....Footloose!

Last week our Zumba class decided to dress 80's style and workout to all 80's songs in honor of Halloween :c) We had SO.MUCH.FUN!!!!


We spent weeks planning our outfits, and I have to say, we definitely outdid ourselves!

Love our 'Marjtastic'!!!! 

And sweet, innocent Gina :c)

LOL, at one of my besties, Lauran!!!

Our beloved Zumba instructor and another one of my besties, Jennifer!


We most assuredly 'got physical' my Zumba sisters!!