Wednesday, August 26, 2009

School Days

Anna Kate is doing really well in school. She loves it! She has been to the computer lab a few times, the library, art class - where they made 'drip paint' art, and music class - where she chose the DRUMS out of all the instruments (triangle, recorder, keyboard, bells, xylophone, etc.) as her instrument of choice (**WARNING: If anyone buys Anna Kate a set of drums for Christmas, well let's just say that you might want to get your will in order.**) She really is loving Kindergarten :c)

There have been a few instances, but mostly just getting in trouble for talking with her BFF during 'journal' time, which is a BIG no-no. The teacher ended up moving (separating) them Friday, so maybe we can all avoid that little problem, lol.

She came home Thursday saying she had a new boyfriend *gasp*. She told me he took her hand on the playground and said, "Come on my lady!" so they could go play. These kids are a hoot. No worries though, AK thinks boys are ick unless you are daddy, pops or Brooks ;c)

In the car yesterday she was soooo excited to tell me about her, and I quote, "Happy Love Note" she received from her teacher. Anna Kate used her manners in the lunchroom and then helped some of her classmates clean up. For that she received said 'happy love note' and the privilege of getting up from her desk to get water from the water cooler in the classroom as often as she wanted without asking the teacher.......I gather that is a REALLLLY big deal, LOL!

I volunteer for Anna Kate's teacher to help with things such as sorting construction paper by colors, cutting things out, sorting worksheets and such. Well yesterday I had to carry in the construction paper, so I had the opportunity to speak with her. She commented that AK was doing really well and that she was excelling in her reading group - in fact, she had read her first book the day before. We are very proud of Anna Kate. She's growing up too fast :c( But she still makes us extremely proud!

*This was taken this morning before school*

*I took this one in the car while waiting in the drop off line*


Alexis Jacobs August 28, 2009 at 12:47 AM  

Sounds like the beginning of a wonderful school year. I love your pictures :)

As Time Goes By...Our Family Blog August 29, 2009 at 9:25 PM  

Way to go Anna keep playing those drums! If we lived closer to one another I would LOVE to give you some drum lessons! Rat-a-tat-tat :0)